Academic Honors

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Academic Honors

At the George Washington University, each school with undergraduate students selects a Distinguished Scholar (The Columbian College of Arts and Sciences selects three Distinguished Scholars, one for each discipline: Arts and Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Science).

GW also recognizes dedication to excellence in learning with its highest undergraduate academic recognition, the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award. It is presented to students who are approximately the top two percent of their schools, by grade point average, that have earned at least 60 credits at the university by the fall 2023 semester, at least 30 of which were earned at the university.

** indicates this is the second year the student has been recognized as an OAAA
^^^ indicates this is the third year the student has been recognized as an OAAA


2024 Distinguished Scholars

College of Professional Studies

Christopher Linares, B.P.S. ’24


Columbian College of Arts and Sciences

Baylee Bogard,  B.A. ’24
Sonia Goyal, B.S. ’24
Danielle Towers, B.F.A. ’24


Elliott School of International Affairs

Andrew Tomusiak, B.A. ’24


GW School of Business

Ethan Ophir, B.S. ’24


Milken Institute School of Public Health

Caylee Chan, B.S. ’24


School of Engineering and Applied Science

James Ferguson, B.S. ’24


School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Priya Kannusamy, B.S.H.S. ’24


School of Nursing

Tabitha Northrup, B.S.N. ’24

2024 Outstanding Academic Achievement Awardees

College of Professional Studies


Amanda Elizabeth Chen
Stephen Gritsch



Columbian College of Arts and Sciences

Sara Alassaf ^^^
Grace Allread
Nicholas Anastacio **
Demetrius Apostolis
Aristidis Armoundas
Jenna Baer **
Rachel Bashe
Selin Bayrakli
Yair Ben-Dor
Ethan Benn ^^^
Paul Bianco **
Madison Bird
Maya Birkenkamp
Sophia Blackman
Freya Blackmore **
Madeline Bramel
Audrey Casper ^^^
Benjamin Connor **
Hannah Cormier
Aidan Cullers
Cecilia Culver **
Jaylee Davis **
Julia Deluca **
Riley Didion
Torianna Eckles ^^^
Michaela Eley
Olivia Fitzgerald
Irene Foley
Alexandra Fratto
Riley Gamble
Tessa Gates **
Katelyn Gehrman
Sophie Gelfand ^^^
Shir Gilad
Logan Gloude

Alexandra Goldbeck ^^^
Harper Goldstein 
Sonia Goyal **
Emily Greenup **
Stella Holmes
Nicholas Isphording **
Aneeka Jain
Katherine Keller **
Pravina Khadka
Charlotte Kim
Elisabeth Kleidon **
Emma Klinge ^^^
Joie Koenig **
Ella Krone
Ella Kuehnert ^^^
Thomas Lambert
Markella Lanara ^^^
Marguerite Larson 
Elena Latsis
Claire Lee
Madeline Ley **
Gerard Lin 
Noah Lutz
Hannah Lytle
Marco Mastropietro
Rio Matsumoto ^^^
Kathryn McDonald
Mercy McGehee
Annika Meldrum **
Katelyn Moon 
Eva Morrow ^^^
Vidya Muthupillai **
Tristan Muzzio
Tim Jonathan Neumann ^^^
Lauren Nixon ^^^

Margaret O'Neill
Ishaan Pabla
Grant Pacernick
Ahan Panchal **
Ashna Patel **
Nicholas Perkins **
Rohith Pydi **
Isabela Rasmussen
Izabella Riccione ^^^
Emily Richardt ^^^
Madison Rosen
Emma Sacks ^^^
Sarah Scherkenbach
Laine Schlezinger **
Evangeline Sell 
Martin Semenzato
Ruju Shah
Riya Sharma ^^^
Noah Shelanski ^^^
Caroline Sherer **
Irene Shuk
Madeline Smith
Rory Smith **
Natalie Solomon
Jamie Taglang
Grace Truslow **
Shayda Vandyoussefi ^^^
Vincent Vay
Connor Wasik
Alexander White
Zoe Wise
Lowrie Woodside
Michelle Yamamoto
Aurora Zaytoun ^^^
Bingqing Zhongdu ^^^
Leena Zitoun ^^^


Elliott School of International Affairs

Asiyah Ball **
Analys Barinaga **
Joshua Blaustein **
Robert Bray
Owen Desberg **
Madelynn Dostal **
Evelyn Elliott **
Elizabeth Fay ^^^
Kelly Fraenkel 
Abigail Francis ^^^
Kendal Furman 
Christian Garcia ^^^
Alex Gates

Anna Golbus
Alexandra Goldbeck ^^^
Madeline Guenther **
Andrew Horton 
Rachel Hsu **
Katie Huang ^^^
Sooyoung Kang **
Nam Lam ^^^
Bronwyn Metz
Lauren Ottley ^^^
Sarah Pankiw **
Ha Yeon Park ^^^
Madeline Pfeiffer **

Carolyn Pierson 
Elizabeth Price **
Sophie Rice
Allison Robinson
Lily Scherer
Haley Stanks ^^^
Maya Teittinen
Andrew Tomusiak ^^^
Andrew Ungar ^^^
Sophia Velazquez
Jack Wagner **
Olivia Whittle **
Olivia Wisont **


GW School of Business


Arian Agadi
Sarah Ahmad
William Ahrens **
Nicholas Anmahian ^^^
Ken Isaac Baeza Ogawa
Kasey Choi
Katherine Eastman
Frank Fasi **
Alina Fowler
Cole Hadar

Joshua Hanft
Martia Harrison **
Katelyn Humiston **
Samir Iqbal ^^^
Shea Johnson
Valerie Kim
Alex Leu **
Ping Shih Lo
Xindi Luo
Deborah Mativo **

Ethan Ophir
Prerna Polepally **
Jose Rodriguez Chevere ^^^
William Schwarz
Dani Scott
Lillianna Tobe
Keara Toop
Dane Van Horn
Easton Weizer ^^^
Max Wiener **


Milken Institute School of Public Health

Gigi Baer **
Caylee Chan **
Giulia Folli **
Rachel Katz **
Abigail Kennedy **

Olivia Kinsley **
Gabriela Lesiv **
Payton Lynch
Jordyn Milou ^^^
Lilli Silverston ^^^


Sophia Slack
Natalia Wasilczyk
Alexa Williams **
Dana Woodruff ^^^

School of Engineering and Applied Science

Iftakhar Alam ^^^
James Ashby
Isabella Dayrit
Selman Eris ^^^
Gerald Fattah ^^^
James Ferguson **

Matthew Gouvin ^^^
Kate Halushka ^^^
Faris Jiwad
Maren McCrossan
Bridget Orr ^^^

Nitha Paulus ^^^
Adham Popal ^^^
Roan Riordan
Ozzy Simpson
Rebecca Turley **


School of Medicine and Health Sciences



Michael Francom
Priya Kannusamy **
Thimothy Kelly
Justin Peck



School of Nursing

Connor Albertson
Jordan Broadbent
Joseph Fitzsimmons
Rachel Luke

Past Academic Honors