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Office of the Provost initiatives seek to shape GW's future through the diverse and accomplished expertise, robust research, and unique co-curricular experiences of the GW community.


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Current Initiatives


GW students gather on lawn to create the gw monogram from in an aerial shot

Strategic Framework Development

The Provost’s Office is charged with operationalizing the development of a new strategic framework to guide GW’s future growth over the next five to ten years. 

man auditing online data

Data Privacy Consultative Committee

The Data Privacy Consultative Committee (DPCC), comprising faculty, staff, and student representation, will conduct quarterly evaluations of university data projects, make recommendations around project compliance with GW policies, and review any data projects administrators flag as breaching GW’s business practices and policies.

diverse group of happy students

Diversity Program Review

The GW Diversity Program Review Team (DPRT) is charged with conducting a campus diversity, equity, and inclusion program review and producing a final report rooted in data and scholarship. 


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Concluded Initiatives