Faculty-Led Working Groups


The Israel-Gaza conflict, the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and our community’s response to these issues have presented a unique set of challenges that have tested our strength and resilience. The university continues to think deeply about how we, an educational institution with a renowned faculty and a community of passionate and committed advocates, can and should engage with each other and with global crises. We must continue to foster an inclusive and supportive community built on the values of mutual respect, free expression, and critical dialogue.  

The Strengthening Our Community in Challenging Times plan, launched in January 2024, was a starting point for these efforts, and while the ideals outlined within it remain essential, additional work needs to be done to prepare for our community’s return in the fall. GW’s faculty, a vital part of the university’s continued success, are uniquely positioned to help the community understand the complex issues at play and provide solutions to enable us to move forward together. 


In early June 2024, President Granberg and Provost Bracey invited GW faculty to volunteer for faculty-led working groups, each assigned to a topic related to a community challenge. The Office of the Provost then formed the volunteer groups around the topics, ensuring a distribution of school affiliations and faculty expertise among them.


Community Challenge Topics

Community Conversations: Create opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to productively share their experiences from last year and learn from different perspectives.

Free Speech & Community: Identify an approach for the university to balance these two concerns and sustain an environment that permits freedom of expression while also preserving a culture of respect and civility.

Humanitarian Efforts in Gaza and Beyond: Identify opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to make a meaningful impact to address conditions in Gaza, which could be applied to other global humanitarian crises.

Lecture Series: Suggest speakers to participate in a lecture series on difficult topics, including and beyond the Israel-Gaza conflict.

Pathways to Greater Inclusion: Suggest approaches to ensure diverse constituents truly feel part of the GW community.


Sustainable Investing: Recommend investment strategies for the university that align with emerging social and community values.



Provost Bracey charged each group with convening and discussing recommendations for the university to consider regarding how GW students, faculty, and staff can meaningfully contribute to the topic in question. Faculty were encouraged to think broadly and creatively, and to propose at least two or three recommendations to university leadership by mid-August that could reasonably be implemented within the 2024-25 academic year. This work will inform continued conversations with students, faculty, and staff about how best to strengthen our community and collaborate on solutions in these challenging times.


Next Steps

The Office of the Provost is receiving and reviewing reports from the working groups and looks forward to sharing next steps about these faculty efforts with the community in the near future.


Working Groups


Community Conversations

Imani M. Cheers, CCAS

Nizar Farsakh, ESIA

Jean R. Freedman, CCAS

Ashraf Harahsheh, SMHS

Sara Isaac, GWSPH

Susan L. Kulp, GWSB

Ned Lazarus, ESIA

Jordan Potash, CCAS

Jennifer Rioux, SMHS

Lindsey Siff, CCAS

Sergio Waisman, CCAS

Free Speech & Community

Dwayne Kwaysee Wright, GSEHD (Chair)

Ilana Feldman, CCAS and ESIA

Mary Anne Franks, GW Law

Joan S. Meier, GW Law

Melani McAlister, CCAS and ESIA

Arthur Wilson, GWSB

Philip W. Wirtz, GWSB

Zachary Wolfe, CCAS

Humanitarian Efforts in Gaza and Beyond

Lorenzo Norris, SMHS (Chair)

Hadia Anaye, CCAS

Hiba M. Anver, GW Law

Elizabeth L. Ewert, GW Law

Adam Friedman, SMHS

Steve Hansch, GWSPH

Ghada A. Khan, GWSPH

Laird Kirkpatrick, GW Law

Samar A. Nasser, SMHS

Amita N. Vyas, GWSPH

Lecture Series

Richard Chasdi, CCAS (Co-chair)

Robert Eisen, CCAS and ESIA (Co-chair)

Susan Ariel Aaronson, ESIA

Ken P. Chong, SEAS

Amy Lopez, CCAS

Anne Monroe, GWSPH

Laura Papish, CCAS

Janet Phoenix, GWSPH

David Rain, CCAS

Barak D. Richman, GW Law

Sara Teichholtz, SMHS

Pathways to Greater Inclusion

Lorien Abroms, GWSPH (Co-chair)

Kalpana Vissa, SMHS (Co-chair)

Şenay Ağca, GWSB

Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff, CCAS and ESIA

Elizabeth Chacko, CCAS and ESIA

Stephen Kaisler, SEAS

Mallory Kimmel, CCAS

Natalie B. Milman, GSEHD

Ahdeah Pajoohesh-Ganji, SMHS

Jane Hyatt Thorpe, GWSPH

Sherrie Wallington, SON

Erin Wentzell, SMHS

Zareen Zaidi, SMHS

Sustainable Investing

Samuel T. Ledermann, ESIA (Co-chair)

Lisa Schwartz, SMHS (Co-chair)

Gregg A. Brazinsky, CCAS and ESIA

W. Douglas Evans, GWSPH

Terrie Gale, CCAS

Mountasser Kadrie, SMHS

Shana R. Marshall, ESIA

Adam Richards, GWSPH and SMHS

James M. Tielsch, GWSPH