Waste Management Study Questions

Mastering the Basics:

  • How do the three categories of municipal solid waste (compost, recycling and landfill) differ?
  • Why are landfills environmentally harmful?
  • What are the current executive orders on waste management?
  • What are common barriers to implementing waste diversion programs?
  • What are the benefits of maximizing waste diversion?
  • What waste management services does your locality provide?

Especially for Federal managers:

  • What federal agencies are you consulting with for technical advice and oversight?
  • Have you conducted a cost-benefit analysis?
  • How does a waste management program fit into your budget?
  • Where can you find tools, templates and other contract examples for your program’s needs?
  • What method of training, for current employees and during staff turnover, makes the most sense for your agency?
  • Who are your receiving compactor facilities, and what are their conditions of service?
  • What is the most accurate and efficient method for conducting audits on collected waste?
  • Does your agency have the capacity to sort waste before it is picked up?
  • How frequently should the waste hauler be scheduled to pick up?
  • Do you have the capacity to store waste prior to pick-up, and what will be your limit on this holding period?
  • What is your waste receiving facility’s level of tolerance for contamination?
  • How will your agency minimize contamination by visitors and employees?
  • What are the appropriate locations for receptacles throughout your working environment?
  • Do you need receptacles for hazardous waste?
  • How can you secure the management of safe and sanitary receptacles throughout your work environment?
  • Where will employees have the opportunity to submit questions and concerns regarding waste management, and how will you effectively address this input?
  • How will you meet your standards for waste diversion during public/private events?
  • How will you use assessments to monitor and adapt your waste management program?

What would you do if…

...your receiving facility reports that your waste is too contaminated?

...you are receiving complaints regarding waste receptacles?

...subsequent to piloting the program, you find that costs are outweighing returns and cannot be justified?

...you continue to fall short of the threshold for waste diversion?