Dear GW Community Members,
As we approach fall semester, our campus operations continue to be guided by our commitment to the health and safety of the GW community. Nearly 90 percent of our students, faculty and staff are fully vaccinated and in compliance with the university’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. This is a tremendous accomplishment as the vaccine continues to be the best way to protect ourselves from the spread of COVID and the Delta variant. The vaccine, in combination with indoor mask-wearing, contributes to our layered approach to safely resume in-person teaching, learning and working this fall.
GW’s Medical Advisory Group, our team of medical and health experts, continue to monitor and evaluate the latest data about COVID-19 transmission in our community, as well as local and national public health guidance. To provide the GW community with guidance on public health, physical spaces, events and activities, masks, testing, campus access and other public health matters, we have collected their guidance in Onward: GW’s Fall Operating Plan.
The plan is posted on GW’s new Onward website, which serves as a central repository for campus health, campus access, campus life, academic life and work life topics. University updates and frequently asked questions are also available. Any updates on public health guidance and campus access will be announced by email and posted to the Onward website.
Christopher Alan Bracey
Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Scott Burnotes
Vice President for Safety and Facilities
Ray Lucas, M.D.
University COVID-19 Coordinator