Seeking Feedback on the Future-Focused Conversations Summary Report

April 23, 2024

To the George Washington University Community:

As you know, this spring, the university held a series of future-focused conversations that marked the first step in a strategic framework development process that will guide the university’s growth in the coming years. The conversations, intended for us to understand the future into which GW is planning, tailored questions for each constituency around the key areas of the future of work and the workforce, the future of higher education, and the future of knowledge.

Whether you joined a conversation or submitted feedback online, I deeply appreciate your engagement with this advance work. I am pleased to share a draft summary report of these conversations that summarizes the information we learned and begins to bring into focus the major ideas and commonalities expressed among constituencies. This is a living document that continues to be updated based on community feedback and in conversations with stakeholder groups, so please take time to review the report and share feedback on the Strategic Framework website. This feedback will provide additional helpful context as we begin to distill the many exciting and insightful ideas we have learned into a set of themes that will inform the university’s strategic framework in the coming academic year.

The summary report feedback form will remain open through Friday, May 3. We look forward to your continued engagement with this process.


Christopher Alan Bracey
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor of Law