Additional Guidance Regarding Research Activities and Funding

January 29, 2025

Dear Colleagues,

While the university continues to monitor the potential impact of federal actions on our research enterprise, we want to ensure that our research community remains supported and prepared in the context of this shifting landscape.

Please be assured that GW is well-positioned intellectually and financially to continue advancing our academic and research mission while navigating a developing situation. To that end, we encourage researchers to continue their research to the extent possible, keeping the following guidance in mind:

  • Researchers preparing federal proposals or reports should continue to adhere to all previously announced deadlines, and principal investigators with active awards should continue with planned activities unless otherwise notified (e.g. a sponsor or the Office of Sponsored Projects, OSP).
  • We encourage you to remain cognizant of potential changes to solicitation requirements.
  • PIs should immediately forward any stop-work orders or other relevant notice from your sponsor to OSP at [email protected].
  • While impacts on federal grant funding remain unclear, we encourage prudent spending of non-compensation grant funds to ensure that funds remain to cover compensation expenses. We do not anticipate any immediate disruptions to payroll, particularly research staff compensation, or procurement obligations.
  • To help avoid any delays in invoicing or reporting, please make sure all allowable expenses are posted in a timely fashion.

OSP will work with you to interpret orders received, review grant funds, or provide guidance about next steps.

We will continue to communicate with you and provide guidance around new developments. To facilitate the sharing of information, we have launched a new federal transition updates page as a central location for GW updates and related resources regarding federal actions impacting our research enterprise.

Despite these recent challenges, we remain excited about, and inspired by, the scholarly work of our research community, and we will continue to support you as we navigate this situation together. Thank you for all you do on behalf of GW.


Christopher Alan Bracey
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor of Law

Bruno Fernandes
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer

Robert H. Miller
Interim Vice Provost for Research
Vivian Gill Distinguished Research Professor and Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology